I Feel Fine (It's the end of the World as we Know it)
Actually, I guess the end of the world I once knew happened over a decade ago. The end of the world as most of my friends still knew it happened four years ago. It has however, finally been buried...
It really does look like political power and coporate data are being used for less than legitimate means now. Protesters are required to register with the police, with many being arrested immediately after the protest. One was even arrested while giving an interview live on television. Protesters property is being ripped apart and confiscated in the name of national security, and loads of otherwise sane people are seriously expecting some kind of october surprise.
The good thing is, I may finally have an excuse to look for a new citizenship. The bad news is, I wouldn't want one here.
It really does look like political power and coporate data are being used for less than legitimate means now. Protesters are required to register with the police, with many being arrested immediately after the protest. One was even arrested while giving an interview live on television. Protesters property is being ripped apart and confiscated in the name of national security, and loads of otherwise sane people are seriously expecting some kind of october surprise.
The good thing is, I may finally have an excuse to look for a new citizenship. The bad news is, I wouldn't want one here.
daddyd - 31. Aug, 02:49
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